Monday, May 12, 2008

Knowledge Claims Chapter 11

Advertising has been around as long as 3000 B.C. (pg. 391) Advetising in this country is a multi- billion dollar industry. The company with the most money has the advantage. The more the public knows about a product the more likely they are to buy the products. The author also talks about some of the adverse effects of advertising such as tobacco use and eating disorders. I think that companies have been criticized to much because of their advertising. If somebody wants to use tobacco then they should be smart enough and know that their are adverse effects of tobacco use.

1 comment:

Trevor Ray said...

I agree. To much blame is put on advertisers for the negative effects of a product. Although some corperations can afford to have promotions produced in-house; often times advertisers arn't even directly connected to the companies whose products they design ads for.

Chapter 11 Knowledge Claim
One way advertisers deternime what a certian demographic will respond to is through the use of focus groups. These groups of 6-12 individuals are talked to about products or issues and from this information people examining the answers can determine what influences a demographic's choices and emotions. The down side to this type of research is that due to the relitivley small number of participants in each survey the data collected is not foolproof.