Monday, June 2, 2008

Chapter 4 Knowledge Claims

The Radio Act of 1927 created the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) its jurisdiction covers the internet, television and cable. (pg.131)

Satellite Radio can sidestep FCC regulations (pg.150).

Satellite Radio expects to have 20 million subscribers in 2010 (151).

The government has come down hard on "shock jocks" in recent years. Before going to satellite radio Howard Stern was fined thousands of dollars in what the government found was inappropriate topics on the radio. Doesn't this constitute a breach in the first amendment?

1 comment:

Spring Quarter said...

I think that the radio is sensitive to its content more so than other mediums because it's more difficult to censor. Anyone can listen in to the broadcast.
Just as advertisments can be harmful to a society, I think messages on the radio (or any other meduim) can cause degradation of our culture. That's why I'm not upset when Howard Stern is fined or when people call for censorship on TV.