Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Top 5 Breifing Sheet

1. Currently, Southern Iraq is unstable due to a militia uprising. Next week, General Patrez will give a report on the condition of the fighting. If the plans for a ceasefire carry out, the Republicans will be supported in continual support for Iraq in the war. If more violence breaks out, the Democrats will be supported in their position for withdrawal.

This shows the war in Iraq as a precarious issue which could go either way.

2. Texas Reports that over 100,000 voters went to the polls for the democrats. High turnout is a positive sign for democrats in the Lone Star State.

Taxas, a large state, is showing signs of being fervant democrats.

3. Even though Hilary won the Texas caucus Barack Obama will receive more Texas delegates. Barack Obama's lead increases in the overall delegate count.

This shows how Obama is in the lead in terms of delegates and implies Clinton's struggle.

4. Democratic candidates Clinton and Obama have endorsed an idea where the government would step in and refinance mortages for as many as 2 million homeowners who are at risk of defaulting. The federal housing adminnistration would guarantee $300 million in mortage payments if lenders agree to lower loan ammounts to a level barowers could actually afford.

This shows details of the the democratic candidate's plan to solve the housing crisis.

5. The Presidential candidates discuss economic problems and their stances. The Democratic candidates call for greater government oversight for providing relief and building a prosperous middleclass. McCain states that the government should help people who need it and that the Democratic candidates plans would need multibillion dollar bailouts for banks

This shows each of the candidate's differing resolves to fix the economy.

1 comment:

Trevor Ray said...

comment for 1.
This is unfortunatly starting to look like a game where the winner gets to say "I told you so". Even though troops are comming home the killing hasn't stoped.

comment for 2.
This is important considering most of the southern states are traditionaly more conservative.

comment for 4.
It also shows that the Democratic party seems to be more concerned with the well being of individuals. However, I hasn't able to find out where the funds would come from.

comment for 5.
Whatever decision is made, it will need to balance the needs of the government with the needs of individuals. it's currently being looked at as all or nothing and I don't think that's the way to solve the problem.