1. Speech is both controlled and free in this world because it has the power to influence a society greatly.
2. Controversy enters when free speech leads to unjust outcomes such as plagiarism, libel, or invasion of privacy.
3. Although it needs to be controlled for decency, free speech should be allowed to shape people's lives for the better.
Monday, April 28, 2008
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Chapter 4 Knowledge Claims
1)The author says "The two most important international issues affecting radio in the 1900s were ship radio requirements and signal interference."
2)Unlike in the early 1900s people no longer tune in to their favorite radio station to listen to their favorite shows. The author says that radio has become a "secondary, or background medium that follows our lives."
3)The introduction of satellite radio allowed individuals to not only decide when to listen to the radio, but also what type of content they wanted to hear.
Chapter 5 Knowledge Claims
1)According to the author "in cities with TV stantions movie theaters saw a 20-40% decrease in ticket sales.Withe the introduction of channles such as HBO and Cinimax will this trend change or stay the same?
2)As Fox continued to gain success it launched new networks, WB and UPN which aired shows targeted toward a younger audiance. While the shows attracted viewers none of the shows aired by the two channels held a top 100 spot and so the two networks were combined into CW in 2006.
3)TV channles such as PBS that air shows ment to educate shows have an uncertian future while other networks who do not air educational programs see no end in sight. Should people expect to learn while they watch TV or is television purley for entertainment.
Chapter 6 Knowledge Claims
1)In the beginning the cable comanies believed thay they should be able to choose what channels they would cary. The FCC said thay any one who could pay the fee to have their shows aired should have an equal opportunity.
2)When cable was first being introduced to homes there was a fear that DBS would steal customers because the cable companies relied on satelite transmissions to recieve the content they provided so why couldent the information be broadcast directly to the home.
3)Because the large cable companies were once the only providers of popular content they controled when things were changed and services were upgraded, but with the introduction of nonprofit entities willing to supply their community with programing the major cable companies way have to start improving customer satisfaction to stay in the lead.
Chapter 7 Knowledge Claims
1)Silent films were responsible for capturing the suspension of disbelief that books provided. Hovever, after audiances became familiar with seeing the projected imagery they required somthing new that would capture and hold their attention.
2)Documenteries allow the producer to bring the darker side of humanity into the light. However the makers of these documenteries are also criticized for not offering any solutions for the problems they are presenting. Is it the responsibility of the film maker to solve the broblem, or just bring it to the attention of the public.
3)The introduction of digital film making has allowed a much greater number of people who were once restricted by the cost of film to try their hand at making movies.
Chapter 8 Knowledge Claims
1)The inclusion of humain interest stories in penny papers such as the Sun led to success baised on peoples desire to hear about individuals triumphing over hardships in their daily lives.
2)By the 1920s it was required for a paper to provide factual information, provided by a reporter who acted as a detached observer if the paper was to survive in the mainstream market.
3)To fill a newspaper each day some companies rely on wire services and feature syndication that provide national and international stories to multiple news papers throughout the country for a fee.
Knowledge 9 Knowledge Claims
1)Much like in news papers magazine readers enjoyed reading about the daily strugle of humanity along with the essays and fiction common to most publishers.
2)The television spawned a new class of magazines, the most popular of which were about leasure, sports, and music. This shows that for some Americans, free time is more valuble than the money we earn at our jobs.
3)According to the author alternative magazines are any publication that doesn't reinvent the status quo, and broadens issurs that may have been seen in othe formas of media such as the daily news.
Chapter 10 knowledge claims
1)In Germany between 1453 and 1456 Johannes Gutenberg used movable type to develope the first printing press. The press expidited the process of coppying manuscripts.
2)Comic books are said to be the most open to independent producers because any one with a pencil and access to a Xerox machine can produce mini comics. The benefit of many comic books is that each new issue has new material and a new layout which is somthing the major nws publishers have yet to achieve.
3)Yale professor Mr. Benkler says "if people are willing to pay 99 cents for a song why wouldent they pay 3 dollars for a digital book". The shift to digital would save paper and labor to produce each coppy, which would give the author a higher cut of the sales price.
All three make good points and lead to the question; how much freedom do we actually have in this country? With all the restrictions should the first amendment be changed to freedom of speech unless...?
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